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 February 18th 2024, 2pm Eastern Time

Some Thoughts on Consciousness, Entropy, and the Edge of the Psychological

Dr. Kime will discuss how the limit and definition of what counts as "psychological" might be approached by looking at notions of Entropy and Multiplicity. I believe there is likely a case for defining a notion of "isolation " which coheres with the PDI notion that real psychology is defined by its own self-sufficiency.


Dr. Philip Kime is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Zürich, Switzerland. He is a past Vice-President of the C.G. Jung Institut, Küsnacht and he is a recent member of the ISPDI Executive Committee.

Philip Kime - MA Hons, Msc (dist), PhD

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Non-Members :$175

Students: $50

 ISPDI Members :$125

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OCT. 15, 2pm EST
John Hoedl
Soul AS Logical Life
Members can register here

"Our time in history and the incredible problems that we face are such that we cannot afford not to advance to the insight that the innermost nature of soul is logical (is thought) and not to advance to a rigorous notion of psychology." Wolfgang Giegerich

Please join us for a two day examination of the extraordinary work of one of the most challenging and important writers in Analytical Psychology today. From the Soul’s Logical Life published in 1998 to Coniunctio in 2021, speakers will present and lead discussions on each of the nine books published by Wolfgang Giegerich over the last 23 years. 
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