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Why join the ISPDI?

Membership in The International Society for Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority is open to individuals from any discipline that are interested in the study and further development of psychology in the spirit described in the definitional statement on the home page of this website.


A scholarly enterprise emphasizing the exchange of ideas related to the notion of psychological interiority, the society does not offer a credential or a formal training program. The benefits of membership have rather to do with opportunity afforded by the society, through its conferences, seminar-offerings, and on-line discussion forum, to participate in the concerted effort of articulating and refining a psychology that is truly psychological in its conception of itself.


Prospective members are requested to carefully read the definitional statement, along with the other information on this website, to ascertain for themselves if they are interested in learning about and/or contributing to psychology in the spirit that this society has been established to further.


On payment clearance you will be registered  and able to login to the Members area. New members will be issued a Username and Password.


Yearly dues are $75.00 USD  (or $40 USD for students and early career scholars/clinicians) and can be paid online using a credit card or PayPal account.​​​

Upon receiving your user name and password and logging in, we would encourage you to introduce yourself by going to the "Welcome Mat" and telling us something about yourself. To get to the "Welcome Mat" follow these links: From the Home page > "Members" > "Forum" > "Welcome Mat."

  • ISPDI Membership

    Every year
    renewable yearly
    • Membership gives you access to all member's only pages
    • Membership gives you access to discussion forum
    • ISPDI Members receive discounts on Conferences and Seminars
  • ISPDI Student Member

    Every year
    For part-time or full-time students on a budget
    • Membership gives you access to all member's only pages
    • Membership gives you access to discussion forum
    • Members receive discounts on ISPDI Conferences and Seminars
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