Wolfgang Giegerich
Wolfgang Giegerich, The Soul's Logical Life: Towards a Rigorous Notion of Psychology (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1998.)
Wolfgang Giegerich, The Collected English Papers of Wolfgang Giegerich, 6 vols.
Volume I - The Neurosis of Psychology: Primary Papers towards a Critical Psychology
Volume II - Technology and the Soul
Volume III - Soul-Violence
Volume IV - The Soul Always Thinks
Volume V - The Flight into the Unconscious
Volume VI - Dreaming the Myth Onwards: C.G. Jung on Christianity and on Hegel,
Wolfgang Giegerich, David L. Miller, Greg Mogenson, Dialectics & Analytical Psychology: The El Capitan Canyon Seminar,
Wolfgang Giegerich, What is Soul
Wolfgang Giegerich, Neurosis: The Logic of a Metaphysical Illness
Wolfgang Giegerich, Pitfalls in Comparing Buddhist and Western Psychology: A contribution to psychology's self-clarification (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018). 100 pages.
Wolfgang Giegerich, The Historical Emergence of the I: Essays about one chapter in the history of the Soul
Wolfgang Giegerich, What Are the Factors That Heal? Paperback – May 12, 2020
Wolfgang Giegerich, Coniunctio: Reflexions on a key concept of C.G. Jungʼs psychology Paperback – November 11, 2021
Wolfgang Giegerich, Working With Dreams: Initiation into the Soul’s Speaking About Itself, 2021
Other Authors
- Greg Mogenson, A Most Accursed Religion: When A Trauma Becomes God (Spring Publications Inc, 2005), 208 pages.
Greg Mogenson, The Dove in the Consulting Room: Hysteria and the Anima in Bollas and Jung, (Routledge,2003).
Marco Heleno Barreto, Símbolo e Sabedoria Prática. C. G. Jung e o Mal-estar da Modernidade [Symbol and Practical Wisdom. C. G. Jung and the Malaise of Modernity] São Paulo: Edições Loyola, 2008 (336 p.). ISBN 978-85-15-03338-6
Marco Heleno Barreto, Pensar Jung [Thinking Jung] São Paulo: Edições Loyola, 2012 (192 p.). ISBN 978-85-15-03917-3
Dr. Marco Heleno Barreto, Psychology and the Irrelevantification of Man: From Jung's project to the post-human times (ISPDI Monograph Series) Paperback – May 27, 2020
Marco Heleno Barreto, Estudos (Pós)Junguianos [(Post)Jungian Studies] São Paulo: Edições Loyola, 2018 (168 p.). ISBN 978-85-15-04531-0
Giorgio Tricarico. The Labyrinth of Possibility: A Therapeutic Factor in Analytical Practice ISBN 13 : 9781782201762 ISBN 10:1782201769
Jennifer M. Sandoval and John C. Knapp, eds. Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority: "The Psychological Difference" in the Work of Wolfgang Giegerich Routledge 2017, 222 pp .ISBN: 978-1-13-812088-4
Jennifer M. Sandoval, A Psychological Inquiry into the Meaning and Concept of Forgiveness, Routledge 2017, 190 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1138671355
Greg Mogenson, Psychology's Dream of the Courtroom Routledge 9780367439330 pub: 2019-11-04
Greg Mogenson, Dereliction of Duty and the Rise of Psychology. As Reflected in the "Case" of Conrad's Lord Jim
Greg Mogenson, That Glimpse of Truth for which you had Forgotten to Ask: Uroboric Apperception and Psychotherapy.
Greg Mogenson, Inwardizing Rilke's Dog of Divine Inseeing Into Itself (ISPDI Monograph Series) Paperback – May 31, 2020
Hal Childs, God’s Autopsy and the Living Truth of Soul: A History of Western Consciousness, Wipf & Stock, 2022
Greg Mogenson, Vicarius Animae: Speculative I-statement in Jungian Psychotherapy 9781738860609: Books - Amazon.ca
Dr. Marco Heleno Barreto, Psychology and Metaphysics: On the logical status of psychology as the discipline of interiority, 2021
Greg Mogenson. Notional Practice: The Speculative Turn in Analytical Psychology Amazon.com, 2024
Essays on “The Soul’s Logical Life” in the Work of Wolfgang Giegerich: Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority Edited by Jennifer M. Sandoval, Colleen El-Bejjani and Pamela J. Power
Human Dignity and the Garden of Eden Story: Distinctions, Disputations and New Insights Marco Heleno Barreto and Wolfgang Giegerich with an introduction by Peter White
The Books below are no longer in print but may be available at such sellers as AbeBooks | Shop for Books, Art & Collectibles
Christine Downing, ed., Disturbances in the Field: Essays in Honor of David L. Miller, (New Orleans, LA: Spring Journal Books, 2006), 318 pages.​
Stanton Marlan, ed., Archetypal Psychologies: Reflections in Honor of James Hillman, (New Orleans, LA: Spring Journal Books, 2008), 524 pages.
Greg Mogenson, ed., God Must Not Die! Or Must He? Jung and Christianity, Spring Journal 84, Fall 2010, 405 pages. This issue of Spring Journal featuring an article by Giegerich with seven invited responses.